Amlark Trading & Services is an online shopping platform to make others meet for their shopping requirements. Amlark Trading & Services is registered in the Ministry of Commerce & Trade under the commercial registration number _________ with our headquarter based in Doha city capital of State of Qatar.
All commercial terms are offered by and agreed between buyers and merchants. Amlark Trading & Services does not have any control or advise or in any way involve itself in the offering or acceptance of such commercial terms between the buyers and merchants.
Amlark Trading & Services does not make any warranty as to specifics of the products offered to be sold or purchased on its website. Amlark Trading & Services does not implicitly or explicitly support or endorse the sale or purchase of any products. Amlark Trading & Services will not be liable for any error in the products listed by third parties.
Amlark Trading & Services is acting as a mediator between buyer and merchants. Products are mentioned as par brands’ description. buyer and merchants should be aware of all the feature and enquire the products based on the description as par brands’ or merchants’ policies.
Amlark Trading & Services does not make any warranty as to the item-specifics of any of its users. Amlark Trading & Services advises to independently verify all the aspects of any particular as products are brand specific and we cannot tamper with their policies.
While making online payments, Amlark Trading & Services will not be responsible for any loss occurring because of the following reasons:
lack of authorization.
exceeding the transaction limits set by your banks or
decline the transaction for any other reason Buyers orders can only be confirmed after full payment of an amount, i.e. product price and services charges (if applicable). We are not offering partial payment options.
Buyers can cancel their order before shipment of the product.
Amlark Trading & Services does not take any responsibility for the unsatisfactory or delayed performance of services or damages or delays as a result of products which are out of stock, unavailable or, back ordered.
Amlark Trading & Services cannot be able to force brands or merchants for the maintenance of the products against their policies. Customers are advised to read the full product description before buying.
Products with any functional defects can only be returned within a week from the date of the product delivered. No product with physical defects can be replaced. For more details refer to our (Product Return Policies).
Amlark Trading & Services is only providing a platform for online shopping, and it is agreed that the contract for the sale of any of the products or services shall be a strictly both side contract between the merchants and the buyer.
Amlark Trading & Services will not be liable for any damage in term of use.
Amlark Trading & Services is authorized to change any of its service or product or terms and condition without any prior information to the user of this website, i.e. buyers and merchants.
All the disputes will be settled under the Qatar Civil Courts.